Monday, May 24, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

You are probably wondering why I am doing a Menu Planning Monday when I have already planned for the entire month of May.  Well, the reason is simple, my monthly plan is really a monthly "guide".  Modifications and substitutions are inevitably made.  On paper, I am always changing, so I thought instead of scribbling it out on paper, I could blog menu planning!

Plus, today it is rainy.  That combined with it being Monday means that I am feeling extremely lazy.  Also, I stayed up too late last night watching recorded TV and I would LOVE a nap but then I know I won't be able to sleep tonight.  I know, I know, TMI.  

I decided to link to my inspiration as well as my own recipes.  It is easier for me, and then you can copy my menu if you so choose!  I will be making some modifications to some of these recipes to suit our tastes as well as to make them a bit healthier in some cases.  With tank top/shorts season here, it is obvious I need to do some healthier cooking!

Monday: Chicken Crescent Rolls & Carrot Sticks
Tuesday: Meatloaf (from freezer), Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
Wednesday: Shredded Pork Sandwiches (from freezer) & Coleslaw
Saturday: Guacamole Sirloin Burger & Homemade Hamburger Buns


  1. Do you have nutritional info that you can start including in your recipes????

  2. I will start to including it in the recipes that I plug into Spark People!
