Monday, April 19, 2010

Oatmeal Caramelites

Not long after I met my husband, he introduced me to these sinful bars, Oatmeal Caramelites.  They are a favorite in his family and I can see why.  They aren't something that I make too often due to their high calories content (maybe a couple times a year) but there isn't much that can beat them.  

While I have been making these for years, I recently saw them featured on The Sisters Cafe .  I was so glad that I looked at their recipe because it cured me of my least favorite part about making these!  Unwrapping the bag of caramels and melting them!  I don't know why I never though of it, but their recipe uses caramel ice cream topping thickened with a bit of flour.  Genius!  Now those pesky wrappers won't keep me from making these.  Jeans, beware!

Oatmeal Caramelites

1 c. flour
1 c. quick oats (can also use regular oats)
3/4 c. brown sugar
1 c. chocolate chip (semi-sweet or milk are both fine)
3/4 c. caramel ice cream topping
1/2 tsp. soda
1/4 tsp. salt
3/4 c. butter, melted
3 Tbsp. flour

Mix flour, oats, sugar, soda, salt, and butter.  Press half of mixture into a 11 x 7 inch pan and set the other half aside.  Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.  Remove from oven.

Sprinkle with chocolate chips.  Blend 3/4 c. caramel with 3 Tbsp. flour.  Drizzle over chocolate chips.  Sprinkle the remaining oat/flour mixture over the top.  

Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until light brown.  Cool, then slice.


  1. You are so evil!! I love these bars so much.

  2. But they are carame"lites", so that means they must be good for you. Trust me.

  3. This sounds delicious! I will be trying this one. What about using the caramel in the tub for dipping apples in? That seems thicker than the ice cream topping. Thanks for sharing. Denise@cottagesisters

  4. Mmmmm.. love caramel and oatmeal! What a great combo. Thanks for the tip about the caramel ice cream topping- I couldn't find the caramel candy anywhere last Christmas. I went to two grocery stores! (weird!)

  5. My family is going to love these! Thanks!
