Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy 7th Birthday Quinn! & A Cupcake Cone Journey

Today is my son's 7th birthday.  Happy birthday Quinn!!!!!!  So, in preparation, last night, I decided to make cupcake cones for him to share with his friends at school today.

This, my friends, is how you SHOULD NOT make cupcake cones.

DO NOT use one cake mix for 18 cones.

DO NOT think that the regular recommended baking time of 18-22 minutes will suffice.

DO NOT keep opening the oven door because you can't understand why they aren't done yet.

Go ahead, DO NOT listen to me, and this will be your result:

Unless, of course, you are going for that melted cone look.

Here is attempt #2 (thank God I bought more than one mix):

No, they aren't perfect, but they are much better.  Once I got them frosted, they really didn't look too bad at all.

Here are some tips that I learned along my cupcake cone journey;p

DO divide your boxed cake mix batter evenly between 24 cones.

DO preheat the oven to 500* (This helps give the cones that rounded cone look.  This is also a good tip to use when baking muffins or regular cupcakes.  It is what the bakeries do.)

DO turn it back down when you pop the cones in to 350*

DO bake your cupcake cones for 25-30 minutes WITHOUT repeatedly opening the oven.

Would I do this again? YES!!  My kids had no idea about my struggles and they were VERY impressed with them this morning.


  1. The second batch looks great when frosted!

    Justin and Averie made these last year and they turned out really good, but then again, Justin is usually *lucky* when it comes to baking. ;p

    Happy Birthday, Quinn!

  2. LOL! The second batch looks wonderful! I'm glad to know those "tips" and maybe I"ll give these a try for Emma's birthday, which is coming up in a couple of weeks!

  3. Oddly enough, I had these for 4th of July last year and did not have nearly the struggles with them. The kids loved them and I loved the clean up!
